At the end of the training, the participants will be able to:
1. Explain the trends of inspection/evaluation and quality assurance developments in
schools of European countries, related to the implemented curriculum
2. Explain Kosovo legislation on education inspection
3. Write control instruments/checklists for monitoring and evaluation of curriculum
indicators implemented in primary, secondary, general and vocational schools
4. To give judgments for the evaluation of the implementation of the curriculum in
educational institutions
5. Provide judgments and evaluations on the inspection manual and instruments for
planning, implementing, and reporting inspections in educational institutions
6. To analyze the instruments for evaluating the indicators of the curriculum
implemented in educational institutions
7. Develop critical thinking skills for inspection planning, implementation, and
reporting processes
8. Demonstrate ethical behavior and integrity regarding cooperation with human
resources and educational institutions before, during and after the inspection
The philosophy and practice of the training methodology is based on active, pedagogical
interaction, where the adult is at the center of learning. Diverse methods, techniques and
strategies are applied that originate from the interaction, where among them we distinguish:
Presentations, discussions, debates, direct, individual work, team work, evaluation,
discussions, use of ICT and software, analysis for their use in the communication process as
well as feedback. The trainings are accompanied by pre-tests before the start of the training
and after the training, when the training ends, with the primary goal of continuous
improvement and the best possible formation of the trainee.
Law on Pre-University Education of Kosovo, Law on Inspection of Education in Kosovo,
Curricular Framework of Pre-University Education, Subject programs, Notification form for
inspection of the educational institution; Standard instrument developed for evaluating the
performance of teachers for the licensing process; Framework for evaluation with defined
areas of school quality; Operational manuals; Reporting form; Decision form;
Theoretical material of the module photocopied, presentations in ppt version, training
program, worksheets, worksheets with random situations, figures, markers, large white
sheets, format sheets, blocks, pens, glue, evaluation sheets by the participants of training
provided, notepad.
A training group is not going to exceed the number of 20-25 people.
At the end of the training the participants will be provided with certificates of participation.
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