Training Description
The program deeply addresses competence as an element of elementary school student formation.
The program provides participants with opportunities to explain the connection between competence and the learning situation. It deals with the learning situation and its dimensions, planning for the development of competencies, the role of the situation matrix in its effective planning, the role of the student and the teacher in the development of the situation. The module helps to develop the skills of planning and managing learning situations, problem-solving and group work of participants, monthly, annual and lesson plan. The program also addresses the two main types of classroom assessment, formative learning assessment and summative learning assessment.
This type of assessment is also used to judge the effectiveness of the teaching or curriculum. The module emphasizes the importance of a curriculum based on assessment competencies for learning, to monitor and promote students’ progress, and to enable them to demonstrate achievement in a variety of ways. The module also deals with questions, checklist, case studies, student portfolio / file, teacher records and achievement levels.
Type: Fundamental Training Program Credits: 54 Credits Hours: 54 Lecture Hours
Relation of training to the type of license for teachers:
- Career teacher
- Advanced teacher
Beneficiaries of the training program
- Primary school teachers, because they are directly related and interested in this topic;
- Primary school directors, because they are directly related and interested in this topic;
- Curriculum and assessment specialists, inspection of primary education, because they are directly related and interested in this topic
The program has three modules:
Expected results: Training participants will be able to:
– explain the concept of competence in general and key competencies in particular;
– explain the competencies of the curricular areas of the primary cycle;
– analyze and evaluate the learning outcome as an important element for the connection
between key competencies, field competencies and subject competencies;
– examine the elements and innovations of the curriculum areas of the primary cycle
– apply the ways of group planning (group of teachers of primary cycle curricular areas)
according to the annual and monthly planning formats.
This module will be implemented through sessions, as follows:
Session 1: Understanding competency-based curriculum evaluation. Principles of evaluation.
Assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Session 2: Types of evaluation. Internal, external evaluation. Ongoing, periodic, and final
Session 3: Levels of achievement of competencies in the field of natural sciences / natural
Session 4: Evidence for monitoring and gathering information for evaluation. Reporting student
progress and achievement. Forms of reporting.
Session 5: Independent work to complete evidence of student progress and assess key
Session 6: Evaluation techniques and instruments. Student file, as an instrument of assessment and
Expected results: Training participants:
– examine the principles and features of contextual learning and teaching;
– establish a link between competency-based learning and contextual learning;
– explain the meaning of the learning situation and the learning situation matrix;
– explain and follow the procedural steps for designing and planning the learning situation;
– distinguish between traditional and situation-based teaching and learning approaches;
– practically develop a model of learning situation;
This module will be implemented through sessions, as follows:
Session 1: Methodology of learning and teaching with situations in the primary cycle,
Session 2: Learning with situations, competencies and learning situations.
Session 3: Planning learning
situations, situation matrix.
Session 4: Planning a learning situation in the elementary cycle.
Session 5: Planning a learning situation in the curricular areas of the primary cycle.
Session 6: Lesson planning based on a learning situation, according to the unified format.
Expected results: Training
– distinguish the concepts of assessment for learning and assessment of learning and
describes the importance of each of them;
– identify the types of assessment and their characteristics;
– demonstrate the use of evidence for monitoring and gathering information related to
– explain through examples the use of different evaluation instruments;
– demonstrate the assessment of competencies on the basis of achievement levels;
– describe the criteria and the way of constructing the student file as an instrument of
evaluation and self-evaluation.
This module will be implemented through sessions, as follows:
Session 1: Understanding competency-based curriculum evaluation. Principles of evaluation.
Assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Session 2: Types of evaluation. Internal, external evaluation. Ongoing, periodic and final
Session 3: Levels of achievement of competencies in the field of natural sciences / natural
Session 4: Evidence for monitoring and gathering information for evaluation. Reporting student
progress and achievement. Forms of reporting.
Session 5: Independent work to complete evidence of student progress and assess key
Session 6: Evaluation techniques and instruments. Student file, as an instrument of assessment and
Training structure:
Awarding Body


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